Environmentally Friendly Pulverized Solutions
In the powder coating industry, Turkey is currently the largest manufacturer in Europe, and is among the exporter countries with highest volumes. Pulver Kimya operates in the powder coating industry since 1988. With the growth achieved, the company has 30% share in powder coating manufacturing in Turkey. 50% of the products manufactured are exported to 30 countries.
With our Pulver Colors digital color library, which delivers innovative solutions digitally, we provide architectures and designers the opportunity to color their projects and products with different color options in their libraries. You can visit our product library on pulvercolors.com and accompany us on this journey.
How to use?
We recommend watching the adjacent video to have detailed information about how our configurator works and how to add our digital colors to your color library.
PULVER COLORSDo you know that buildings account for 40% of the world’s energy consumption? Infrared rays, which make up 50% of the radiation reaching the...
After the powder is coated on metal, it is cured and then, takes its final form. The material taken out of the curing oven...
EPD documents, also known as Environmental Product Declarations, are independently verified and recorded documents that show the environmental impact of a product or service...