Technical Specification For Pulver Architectural Series Powder Coating

The powder coating to be used shall have Qualicoat certificate, contain polyester resin, have a smooth flow, surface appearance, and UV resistance as well as provide excellent wear, corrosion resistance, moisture protection. The paint manufacturer shall supply Qualicoat certificate for the powder that will be used.
The coating facility shall have Qualicoat approval, conduct the relevant tests and controls specified in Qualicoat, and fulfill necessary registration and archive.
The pre-treatment of the materials to be coated shall be conducted according to Qualicoat standards before painting.
Chemicals and products that meet this standard shall be preferred as pre-treatment chemicals.
Powder coating of objects shall be carried out in a single operation. Minimum coating thickness shall be 60 microns for unprotected surfaces. The film thickness of coatings cured for objects or details to be worked on after coating shall not exceed 120 microns at any point.
All visible coated surfaces shall be free of bubbles, craters, pinholes, and scratches when examined with a normal or corrected view from minimum three meters.
Normal adhesive tapes shall not directly contact any objects coated with polyester powder coating. If a protective
tape is required, a specially designed protective tape shall be used for coated aluminum surfaces. There shall be a
guarantee that any sediments, residues, etc., shall not remain on the coating during this type of process.