EPD – Environmental Product Declaration

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EPD - Environmental Product Declaration

EPD documents, also known as Environmental Product Declarations, are independently verified and recorded documents that show the environmental impact of a product or service measurable by LCA (Life Cycle Analysis).

EPD documents are prepared according to the ISO 14025 standard as well as the regulations issued by platforms such as the International EPD System.

Environmental product declarations that have validity on the international markets, which are based on the sustainability of production, enable more financially efficient and ecologically harmless production by using fewer resources in the production processes.

Since the sustainability of buildings is directly proportional to the environmental performance of the materials used, the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is of particular importance in documenting the sustainability of buildings and the use of sustainable materials, becoming more and more important every day.

At Pulver, we pursue our sustainable, environmentally conscious manufacturing policy from the beginning of the production process to the final product we deliver to our clients.

You can reach EPD – Environmental Product Declarations and Climate Declaration on our certificates page.