Pulver Cool Powder Coatings

Do you know that buildings account for 40% of the world’s energy consumption? Infrared rays, which make up 50% of the radiation reaching the Earth’s surface, cause a significant temperature increase in the objects they penetrate. As a result, darker objects on the building absorb more radiation than lighter ones, leading to a higher temperature increase. This increases air pollution, energy consumption and air conditioning costs. Many architects who design buildings from scratch or transform existing ones are looking for an environmentally friendly solution for future generations by considering the harmful effects of the paint they will use on the building. It is precisely at this point that cool powder coatings developed by Pulver’s R&D center and produced with innovative technology provide architects with the perfect opportunity to transform every design into environmentally friendly buildings.
Cool powder coatings designed by Pulver in dark colors are specially produced to keep the temperature rise under control. Thus, by reducing the surface temperature of the aluminum building component, it significantly reduces the urban heat island effect and prevents the exterior facades of buildings from overheating. In this way, it also prevents excess energy consumption used in the cooling of the building. As is known, carbon emissions, which are increasing day by day, cover the inner surface of the atmosphere and prevent the sun’s rays from reflecting back, causing the world’s temperature to rise. This situation is heading towards an irreversible climate crisis as a result of the changing weather patterns we have all closely observed in recent years. Today, many people who are aware of this fundamental problem prefer eco-friendly buildings that offer safe breathing especially for the family environment and do not harm natural resources.
Pulver Kimya, which has the first R&D center in Turkey in the field of powder coatings, is one of the leading companies that has had its name written in gold letters in the powder coatings sector by producing cool powder coatings on its way to preventing the climate crisis and providing people with a healthy living space. Designing buildings with the future and nature in mind, architects contribute greatly to the reduction of air pollution and CO2 emissions thanks to cool powder coatings, thus protecting natural resources. This way the cost of air conditioning is directly minimized. Besides offering all these privileges, Pulver, which produces cool powder coatings that are adaptive to all climatic conditions, also supports sustainability by extending the coating life of buildings with its innovative state-of-the-art technology.
It is of great importance for both architects and designers that the surfaces of the facade components of buildings have a flawless appearance. Eco-friendly cool powder coatings offer an unprecedented shine and smoothness to the aesthetics of buildings, helping give all facades a unique and unified look. They also reveal their durability and quality in terms of enabling long-term use both indoors and outdoors and providing thermal comfort inside the building. Since Pulver Kimya has the largest color database in the sector, it provides architects and designers with ease of choice in terms of the variety of colors it offers.
Pulver Kimya products are in high demand as they do not harm the environment, protect human health and offer convenience to architects, and are now safely exported to more than 30 countries. Produced to protect nature, human health and energy resources, cool powder coatings offer a budget-friendly opportunity thanks to their easy and practical working advantage in all four seasons. If you dream of buildings that you can safely leave to future generations, you can choose the cool powder coatings that Pulver Kimya has specially produced for you. In this way, you can sign your name in one of the biggest projects in our country by designing eco-friendly buildings that people are eager to live in.